One of the first decks of oracle cards I bought was Messages from your Angels by Doreen Virtue. I have used this deck with great success for myself and others. It is a very basic deck with 44 beautiful cards. The artwork on these cards (as with any of Doreen’s cards) is absolutely breathtaking. However, compared to the other decks, the art on these cards is more basic and not as detailed. The wording on the cards however makes up for the lack of details in the art. This deck is one of the ones with the most words on each card. Included in the box is a guidebook which gives some information on different spreads that can be used to “read” the cards as well as more detailed information for each card. If you are new to angel card reading, or would just like to have a collection of inspiring sayings, this is a great deck for beginners. Here is a simple three card reading from this deck:
Also, check out this link if you are interested in a free angel card reading and let me know if you would prefer that I use this deck.