Archangel Oracle Cards

This deck of Archangel Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue was the first set of cards I bought.  I happened across these at a thrift store still sealed in their box.  I was drawn to the beautiful artwork.  Little did I know how important and inspirational these cards would be to me.  I knew absolutely nothing about oracle cards, but I read the guidebook with the cards and learned the basics.  I honestly did not have much faith in them, but I was going through a VERY difficult time in my life and I was praying to God that I would receive clear guidance.  I was surprised at how perfect the cards I drew were to my situation at the time.  I didn’t know anything about “spreads” or correct readings, but I figured that if God wanted to use these cards to speak to me I wasn’t going to question his methods.

Doreen says she created these cards also as a kind of flashcard to get to know the archangels.  Personally, these cards led me to find out more about each archangel and his/her strength.  As I had questions, a search on the Internet would bring up several possible answers.  I sifted through a lot of information that was not very useful, but I also found some great resources.  As they say, when the student is ready, the teacher will appear. These cards have fewer words on them than the Messages with the Angels cards, but they still have much insight.  The pictures are a bit more detailed and filled with symbols than the other cards.  These two decks are my “go-to” decks when I’m doing readings (probably because I am most familiar with them).  I have also used the decks together to make more detailed readings.  Even if you aren’t going to do angel card readings, this is a good deck because the pictures are so soothing.  Be sure to check this out!

Messages from your Angels Oracle Cards

One of the first decks of oracle cards I bought was Messages from your Angels by Doreen Virtue.  I have used this deck with great success for myself and others.  It is a very basic deck with 44 beautiful cards.  The artwork on these cards (as with any of Doreen’s cards) is absolutely breathtaking.  However, compared to the other decks, the art on these cards is more basic and not as detailed.  The wording on the cards however makes up for the lack of details in the art.  This deck is one of the ones with the most words on each card.  Included in the box is a guidebook which gives some information on different spreads that can be used to “read” the cards as well as more detailed information for each card.  If you are new to angel card reading, or would just like to have a collection of inspiring sayings, this is a great deck for beginners.  Here is a simple three card reading from this deck:

Also, check out this link if you are interested in a free angel card reading and let me know if you would prefer that I use this deck.

Free Angel Card Reading!

Although I have received my Certified Angel Card Reader certification awhile ago, I have not been able to do many reading for people that aren’t friends and family.  I need to do some readings for other people so that I can practice listening to my intuition when I’m completely unaware of the “background information”.

I am offering the first 25 people that sign up a free Angel Card Reading where I will choose three cards that answer one question that you may have.  All I ask in return is that you share my page with others if you benefit from it.  This is a very limited time offer so sign up now!

YES!  I want a Free Angel Card Reading

Welcome to my Spiritual Quest

I was born in a very strict Baptist family.  We wore dresses to church every Sunday, we were not allowed to dance, or cuss, or gamble, or watch much TV.  The Charismatic movement came through our little church and the Holy Spirit shook everything up.  Suddenly the people I had loved and respected as my Sunday School teachers and other church officials were causing trouble for those who went with the “Holy Rollers”.  The entire church split and many of the people I loved dearly were left behind.

Bible studies were held at our house at least once a week.  There were some awesome miracles I experienced as well as some frightening experiences (like the “demon possession” cases).  My mom went on a rampage to wipe all the demons out of our house, so my sister and I had to burn lots of our beloved toys, books, music, and movies.  I felt as if there were demons hiding around every corner waiting to snatch me up.  I lived in fear of the “end times” when only some of us would be among those that Jesus took in the rapture.

My childhood religion was filled with fear and guilt (often of things I hadn’t even done).  I questioned that often.  I thought God was a strict dictator sitting on the throne waiting to see who he could zap and then again the devil was constantly trying to get us too.  My beliefs changed as I sought the answers.  I finally had experience that showed me the loving side of God.  I learned that I had nothing to fear from the devil and his minions because God had given me power over them.

Nevertheless, my beliefs don’t completely conform to most churches.  I think that God is much bigger than any one religion.  For example, I believe God, the Great Spirit, the Creator, the Universe are all different names for the same being.  Each different religious denomination is created for the specific people that need that belief system (none of them are 100% right and all have some things that need to be held on to).  Each person has to work out his or her own beliefs.

I have found great comfort and wisdom in the Bible, but I’ve also found nuggets in other readings as well.  Many of the things I read and study now days were labeled NEW AGE by my mom.  I still struggle with doubt and guilt on occasion because of that, but at the same time, I feel such comfort and such resonance with some of the beliefs that I don’t think I’m straying too far from God.  For example, I’ve visited psychics (yes…I’m sure my mom thinks I’ll burn in hell).  Some of them I have liked, and some I didn’t.  Some I think were connected to something bigger and others I think were just trying to make a dollar.  I don’t take every word they have to say as gospel, but since I’m just learning to be in tune with my inner guidance, there are things that they can confirm or expand upon.

Recently, I have really been studying angel card readings.  I have been doing them for awhile and I get some AMAZING answers.  I’m not always 100% accurate, but I have gotten many readings that give me great clarity or confidence in a particular situation.  I have started doing these readings for friends and they are getting comfort as well.

I’m creating this site to share my beliefs with others and I hope that it brings comfort and clarity to others going through this life experience with me.  I am not an expert (is anybody really?), but I am constantly learning and I know that I am meant to share some of these things I’m learning.  I’m tired of “religious” people hurting others because of their beliefs.  It is important for us to be able to listen to the beliefs of others and then decide what pieces of that we want to keep and what should just be left alone.  Religion should not be the area of our struggles.  I hear more and more often, I’m not religious, but I’m spiritual.  While some of my Christian friends take offense at that, I completely relate to that.  My beliefs do not fit into any one little religious box.  While I most closely align with the protestant Christian religion (more non-denominational than others), I am more than happy to listen to others when they speak about their beliefs.  I believe that God can speak through anyone if He wants to get His point across.  After all, He spoke through a donkey in the Old Testament story of Balaam.  (On another note, I don’t see God as gender specific….I typically say He due to my Baptist raising.  If you see God as female, I’m not going to argue.)

So join me on my spiritual quest.  I’m going to share with you the things I’m learning (good or bad) and I’d love your comments, questions, even debates.  However, everything here will be done in a loving spirit and I will block access to anyone not operating out of a kind place.  If you don’t agree, feel free to share your point of view.  I will always listen to what you have to say as long as you aren’t attacking me or anyone else.  If you can’t express your beliefs kindly, please move on.